Change to FBC By-Laws being Proposed
At the July 17th business meeting, a change to the FBC By-laws will be proposed.
As it currently reads:
Article 12, General Provisions, Section 4:
Annual Business Meeting The annual business meeting of the church shall be held during the month of January. Other regular business meetings shall be held quarterly (April, July, and October) or as established by the church body.
Proposed change:
Annual Business Meeting The annual business meeting of the church shall be held during the month of October. Other regular business meetings shall be held quarterly (January, April, and July) or as established by the church body.
Note: This change reverses a previous change (April 2016) designating the January meeting to be the "Annual" meeting during which the upcoming budget is presented and voted on at the same meeting. Many objections were raised by members pertaining to inadequate time for budget review and study prior to voting its approval.
If you have any questions, they can be directed to Cecil Smith or brought to the July 17th business meeting.