Beginner Handbells 5:00 p.m. on Sundays – Handbell Room next to Choir Room (on mezzanine). Come & learn to read music (if needed) and play the handbells!
Golf - 9 holes at Fort Lee Golf Course 3:30 p.m. on Mondays / $25.00 for green fee & cart
Pickleball Tuesdays – 6:30 p.m. – Gym; Also, MOST Thursdays 9:30 a.m. (contact Gay Weston for more information) For all ages and athletic abilities – come & learn to play – join the fun!
Sewing Basics
Saturday, January 11, 2025 ~ 9:00 a.m. to (about) noon ~ Dining Room ~ Instructor: Kim Adams
Come & learn basic sewing basics and apply those basics to a mission project.
Already know the basics? Come anyway and help with the sewing for the mission project. Bring a sewing machine if you’re able.
No fee. Bring a spool of white and/or black thread if you have one; all other materials will be provided.
“The Chosen” Part 4
Beginning Tuesday, January 14th
(room 112, across from Pastor Boggs’ office)
10:00 a.m.–noon OR 7:00-9:00 p.m. (morning session repeats same night)
Participants will watch an episode then discuss implications & applications. Registration requested.
Dates to be Announced:
Wreath Making; International Cooking; Sewing Basics; Weather; Are You Smarter than Your Smart Phone?
Contact the church office for more information on any course: 804-458-2752 or email: