Outdoor Service - 9 AM

  • Passengers in the vehicle need to be from the same household or family.
  • Please follow the instructions of the parking attendants.
  • You may remain in your automobile, or you may bring a chair and be seated outside, as long as you maintain the 6-foot social distancing regulations.
  • You may tune to FM station 88.7 to hear the service through your car radio.
  • Offerings may be placed in the basket when exiting.
  • In the case of inclement weather, the outdoor service will be moved inside to the gym.  Information about changes or cancellations can be found by calling the church office for a pre-recorded message, coming to this website and looking for updates, or by watching for email blasts that go out to those who have requested to be on that list.  

If you're not able to join us in person, we will be streaming our services online on the following platforms:

Indoor service - 11 am

This service will be live streamed and posted on YouTube, or you may listen to the service anytime on this website.

  • Doors to the Sanctuary will not open until 10:30 a.m.  Please remain in your vehicles until that time to avoid lines on the portico.
  • Minimize the amount of items you are bringing into the Sanctuary – bags, Bibles, books, purses, etc.
  • Masks are required at all times in the building.  If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you.
  • Maintain social distance of at least 6 feet in and out of the building.
  • Please use the restroom before you come.  However, if needed, the restrooms behind the Sanctuary will be available.  Please see a greeter for assistance.  The remainder of the building will be considered closed.
  • Please wait for the seating instructions of the greeters who have been trained to maximize seating and maintain best safety practices.  After seating, please refrain from moving to another area.
  • Exiting will be by release, starting from the back, to minimize contact.
  • Please do not congregate in the foyer or on the portico or the parking lot.

Precautions We Have Taken

  • Cleaned before and after each service
  •  Provided convenient hand sanitizing stations
  •  Minimized high touch areas by propping open doors and removing Bibles, hymnals, pencils, etc.
  •  Marked seating areas to maximize usage while maintaining protocol.